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A new beginning.

Conversations, adventures, and future visions of Einstein and his friends in their afterlife.
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Lyn Marsh,PhD

Beyond the The Tree of Life

Olivia and Perla have entered through a portal in the Tree of LIfe.  They will each move into their own respective Unconscious …  Through their entangled dream states … something profoundly mysterious happens. They are challenged beyond their expectations. This is the 8th post in this Faerie Series. If you want to go to the first post of this Series, click here:  https://www.conversationswithanoldone.com/einstein-opens-the-vortex-in-the-between

For all previous posts, click here:  https://www.conversationswithanoldone.com/previous-conversations

conversations bird in blue sky with long tail

Beyond the Tree of Life

In the blackness … in the calmness and deep peace … in the hush … Olivia and Perla hear whispering that electrifies their DNA in song. There could be no sound more beautiful … It reaches into the recesses of their Souls … awakening hidden Secrets.

Oh soul of forgotten name,

Lost heart of desert sands,

You are not alone.

Oases of Unfathomable Womb 

Conjure you to meet

Your Timeless Promise …

Come Home.

Listen to Her Music.

In grace, She sings:

‘I will always Be there for you?’

Who are you?

The Whispers transport them to a Grove of Ancient Trees whose roots connect underground in a communion of beauty’s web. Perla and Olivia can hear a song coming from the matrix of roots. It lifts them in silence.

A snowy star dew gently falls on Olivia and Perla as they float among the Trees. They feel peace and joy all at once, within a sense of timelessness and eternity … They lift into a state of Ecstatic Beauty … as they surrender their illusion of separateness from this Grove …

The Ancient Trees have trunks wide with twists and turns of curve, yet they grow tall as if to reach into an endless Sky. The trees respond to every movement that Olivia and Perla make, adjusting their sea of roots to guide them forward to their destination.

And there It Is … a Tree so Numinously Grand … It’s Name can not be uttered. conversations beau ancient of ancients tree
As they walk closer, It’s Luminous Dew showers them with Primordial Hope. 

This Ancient of Ancients’ Grandmother Tree shimmers and Her whispers come through Her Dew.conversations luminous dew

Do you want to remember who you are? Do you want to Come Home?

Perla and Olivia can not respond in words. They can only move their intention of thoughts to ‘Yes’.  The liquid dew drops of light flow … through their own veins that begin to extend from within them, out and into the veins in branches of the Ancient of Ancients’ Grandmother Tree.

The Grandmother Tree runs Its liquid veins back into their minds to show them a Crystal Ball that is waiting for them, behind Her.

Perla and Olivia walk behind the Grandmother Tree and notice that the Crystal Sphere seems much too small  for them  to enter. Yet they somehow know what to do.

conversations crystal ball in nature

Their Higher Selves and Souls are awaiting them inside this Sphere. They guide Perla and Olivia into their respective Domains within the Unconscious.  Olivia will be guided into her Faerie Unconscious, as Perla is guided into her Human Unconscious. 

Perla enters the domain of Power in her unconscious. She surrenders again until she becomes the essence of Power. She remembers and realizes that she has the potential to create and destroy worlds with her Love … that the possibilities of who she can Be and how she might want to express Herself … are infinite. It is her choice. It all begins with her choice. As she remembers this, she can move with her true power … into living an empowered life … where she knows who she is … where the world responds to her. She would not need to react to her world. She could live in dominion with her world. Her world is waiting for her … for her Love.

Olivia enters a domain of the Archetypes, within her unconscious.  She finds herself walking deep in a valley, among the Archetypes . Her boundaries are much more expansive than those of  human boundaries.  She becomes huge, shapeshifting from the FOOL to TRIUMPH … to the WORLD … to the EMPRESS … to EMPEROR …. to JUDGEMENT …  She shape shifts into the Archetypes as she is surrendering her separateness from them. The shape shifting is natural to her, allowing her to become One with the Essence of the various Archetypes, as her Soul and Higher Self are guiding her to the Archetype that can most help her Remember.

She knows of her connection with the FOOL and with TRIUMPH … but it is the WORLD that can best direct her in what she is about to enter — the Mandorla of Human and Faerie Unconscious.  No human nor faerie has ever entered this Mandorla of what is shared of all that is human and all that is faerie … It is shared Unconscious.

The Souls of Perla and Olivia surround them in a mist. Perla and Olivia are floating as they move into a very deep dream state. They dream of meeting in a strange terrain …

When they become lucid in their shared dream, they are floating toward one another, in a sitting position. They move with a shared intention. Their will and imagination are One. Olivia knows that there is something she  wants to reveal to Perla and she whisks Perla into a breeze of her thoughts.

Olivia then creates a place to be, within Perla’s thoughts … with her own imagination and will. It is vast and wild with abandon of human  mores. Perla senses Olivia’s presence and freaks out, screaming in terror. It is all too fast … too vast and untamed for what is familiar to Perla.

As she screams, she unknowingly transports herself and Olivia into an Ocean that never begins nor ends … that always begins and never ends … They find themselves sitting in the midst of this Ocean … with no sight of land.  They are no where and every where. Perla melts the boundaries of herself with this Ocean of Love and calls Olivia to join her. Olivia howls in a frantic searing fear, yet with the strength of her relentless perseverance, she follows.

They find themselves inside the mist floating together, as they turn to look into the other’s eyes, realizing beauty, courage, daring of soul and spirit … in the other … and within themselves.  They can sense a Love they share together … a Love Un-named …

And a Wave, appearing out of the mist, as if out of nowhere, catches them unexpectedly  … All they can do is surrender. They need each other … They surrender their separateness with one another …

They are suspended within an endless Ocean Wave that has emerged from the overlap of Perla’s human Unconscious with Olivia’s faerie Unconscious.

What have they done? They sense that they may have gone too far. Will they ever be able to return to their respective worlds?

conversatins endless ocean wave


© 2015, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD

